HRlogics ACA Integration

HRlogics ACA helps businesses of all sizes stay compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). From tracking employee hours to generating reports, our user-friendly platform and team of experts makes ACA compliance easy and hassle-free.


Key Takeaways

  1. HRlogics ACA Streamlines Compliance: The HRlogics ACA platform offers businesses a comprehensive solution to ensure compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). From tracking employee hours to generating reports, it simplifies the ACA compliance process, making it user-friendly and efficient.

  2. Integration Details for Data Export: The article provides detailed information on how businesses can export employee census and payroll data to HRlogics ACA. It outlines the parameters, file formats, and export logic for both types of data, ensuring a smooth data transfer process.

  3. File Validation Ensures Data Accuracy: HRlogics ACA integration includes robust file validation checks to ensure the data exported meets the required format and standards. If any issues are detected, error files are generated with guidance on how to address them, ensuring data accuracy and compliance.




Integration Details

Employee Census Export

  • Export is run out of Avionte Classic > Weekly Process main menu > Export/Import right vertical tab
  • Export Parameters
    • Accounting Period Start Date (Monday)
    • Accounting Period End Date (Sunday)
    • Supplier - Single select dropdown
  • Export Logic
    • Export pulls employee data for employees with hours worked within the accounting period dates and supplier values passed in the parameters
    • Export also pulls employee records if their Terminated Date was entered within the date range parameter values even if the employee doesn't have transaction data for that period.
  • File Format: csv
  • File Name Example: Syncstream_Employee_Census_date_time


Payroll Export

  • Export is run out of Avionte Classic > Weekly Process main menu > Export/Import right vertical tab
  • Export Parameters 
    • Accounting Period Start Date (Monday)
    • Accounting Period End Date (Sunday)
    • Supplier - Single select dropdown
  • Export Logic
    • Export pulls employee, assignment, and transaction data for employees with hours worked within the accounting period dates and supplier values passed in the parameters.
    • Export also pulls employee records if their Terminated Date was entered within the date range parameter values even if the employee doesn't have transactions for that period.
  • File Format: csv
  • File Name: Syncstream_Payroll_date_time



Integration Setup

Export User Permissions

Users must be given access to the SyncStream exports in order to run them.  Access can be granted in Admin Tools.

  1. Navigate the Start Page and open Admin Tools
  2. Click on Reports
  3. Click on the Advance Query tab
  4. Filter in the Query Name column for "SyncStream Employee Census File Export"
  5. Select the SyncStream Employee Census File Export
  6. Select the User radio button
  7. Find the user name in the list and select the checkbox next to their name
  8. Click Save
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 for the HRlogic ACA Payroll File Export




Export Mapping

Customers using HRlogics ACA for their ACA management services, must complete the required export mapping in Admin Tools.

  1. Navigate the Start Page and open Admin Tools
  2. Click on Import Export Mapping
  3. Click on the Mapping Type Data tab
  4. Filter in the Group Description filter field for "SyncStream Export"

Employee Status Mapping

For each of the available Avionte employee statuses listed in the Source System Value column, select a HRlogics ACA status to map them to in the Mapped Value column.  The mapped HRlogics ACA status is what is passed in the files to HRlogics ACA.

The available HRlogics ACA employee statuses are:

      • Active
      • Inactive
      • Terminated
      • FMLA
      • IFMLA



Rate of Pay Type Mapping

For each of the available Avionte staffing suppliers listed in the Source System Value column, select an Rate of Pay Type to map them to in the Mapped Value column.  The mapped Rate of Pay Type is used to pass the appropriate value for the "Rate of Pay" column in the files to Hrlogics ACA

The available HRlogics ACA Rate of Pay Types are:

      • W2 = Gross Wages
      • Rate of Pay = Pay Rate



Rehire Gap (Days) Mapping

For each of the available Avionte staffing suppliers listed in the Source System Value column, enter a value in the Mapped Value column that defines the gap (in days) in pay which would result in the talent being a rehire.  The mapped rehire gap value is used to pass an accurate hire date in the files to HRlogics ACA.




Employee Mapping

There's a new standard Employee Extra called Employee Type that goes with the HRlogic ACA exports.  By default the export will pass an employee type value of "Part Time" for all records in the files to HRlogic ACA.  For employees who are either "Full Time" or "Seasonal", a user will need to set their employee type to the appropriate value and then the default value of "Part Time" will be overridden with the new value entered in Employee > Extra.

  1. Search for employee record
  2. Navigate to the Extra subtree menu
  3. Select the Label of Employee Type
  4. Select the appropriate employee type value for the employee
      • Available Employee Type options:
        • Full Time
        • Part Time
        • Seasonal




Integration Usage

For those users who have permission to the HRlogic ACA exports, they are able to run them and generate a file from the Weekly Process main menu screen.

  1. Navigate to the Weekly Process main menu
  2. Click on Export/Import right vertical tab
  3. Select export from the dropdown
  4. Enter parameter values
  5. Select destination where file should be exported to
  6. Click Export



Employee Census Export

Field Mapping

Column Name Required/Optional Value Passed Value Location
SSN Required SSN Employee > SSN
Employee ID Required SSN Employee > SSN
Employee Name Required FirstName + MiddleName + LastName Employee > FirstName + MiddleName + LastName
Employee First Name Optional FirstName Employee > FirstName
Employee Middle Name Optional MiddleName Employee > MiddleName
Employee Last Name Optional LastName Employee > LastName
Hire Date Optional Pass blank value  
Termination Date Optional Pass blank value  
Effective Date Optional Pass blank value  
Employee Status Optional Pass blank value  
Employee Type Optional Pass blank value  
Pay Type Optional Pass blank value  
Address 1 Required Street1 Employee > Address > Street1
Address 2 Optional Street2 Employee > Address > Street2
City Required City Employee > Address > City
State Required State Employee > Address > State
Zip Required ZipCode Employee > Address > ZipCode
Home Department Optional Pass blank value  
Home Location Optional Pass blank value  
Date of Birth Optional DateofBirth EmployeeEEO > DateofBirth
Employee Email Optional Email Employee > ContactMethod > Email
Primary Worksite ZipCode Optional Pass blank value  
County of Worksite Optional Pass blank value  
County of Residence Optional Pass blank value  
Miscellaneous Optional Pass blank value  


File Validation

When the HRlogics ACA Employee Census export is run, there are validations in place that check for certain things in order to ensure the file produced out of Avionte and sent to HRlogics ACA is in the proper format, with all of the data that HRlogics ACA requires.

If any of the file validations fail, the export will produce an error file which will tell the user what needs to be fixed and how to fix it. Once the errors have been resolved, the export can be rerun.  



If all of the file validations pass, the export will produce a data file that can be uploaded to HRlogics ACA through their web interface.



The export will check for the following:

      • The Accounting Period Start Date parameter value needs to be a Monday date
      • The Accounting Period End Date parameter value needs to be a Sunday date


Payroll Export

Field Mapping

Column Name Value Passed Value Location Notes
Company Name Supplier Name MasterStaffingSupplier > StaffingSupplierDesc  
Employee ID SSN Employee > SSN Ensure leading zeros are maintained
Employee Name DateofBirth Employee > FirstName + MiddleName + LastName  
Employee First Name FirstName Employee > FirstName  
Employee Middle Name MiddleName Employee > MiddleName  
Employee Last Name LastName Employee > LastName  
Date Hired StartDate AssignmentSchedule > StartDate Start date of the employees first assignment that has payroll associated with it
Date Terminated Date AssignmentSchedule > EndDate If Employee Status is Terminated, pass the talents most recent assignment end date
Employee Status ChoiceCode Employee > EmployeeStatusConfigChoiceID > ConfigChoice Pulled mapped value from Import Export Mapping
Employee Type Default value = Part Time   Default value can be overriden by an Employee > Extra > Employee Type value of Full Time or Seasonal
Pay Type Default value = Hourly   Default value is overriden with a value of "Salary" if the employee has hours associated with a "Salary" transaction type
Residence State State Employee > Address > State  
Employment State State Assignment > Order > Address > State Employee's  assignment worksite state tied to their hours
Department CustomerName Assignment > Order > Customer > CustomerName  
Location SiteName Employee > Branch > StaffingSupplierSite  
Rate of Pay Value based on Affordability Type mapping   Based on System Setting "Affordability Type"
 - If Value = W2 pass gross wages from paycheck
 - If Value = Rate of Pay pass pay rate
Hours Total Hours   Hours where the transaction type has a transaction type propderty, IsACAHours = 1

The transaction type property, Units to HoursMultiplier is respected and used to calculate hours.
Work Ending Date Week Worked Transaction > Week Worked Week worked date associated with the transaction
Miscellaneous Pass a blank value    


File Validation

When the HRlogics ACA Payroll export is run, there are validations in place that check for certain things in order to ensure the file produced out of Avionte and sent to HRlogics ACA is in the proper format, with all of the data that HRlogics ACA requires.

If any of the file validations fail, the export will produce an error file which will tell the user what needs to be fixed and how to fix it. Once the errors have been resolved, the export can be rerun.  



If all of the file validations pass, the export will produce a data file that can be uploaded to HRlogics ACA through their web interface.



The export will check for the following:

      • The Accounting Period Start Date parameter value needs to be a Monday date
      • The Accounting Period End Date parameter value needs to be a Sunday date
      • Missing or invalid employee status mapping
      • Missing or invalid affordability type mapping
      • Missing or invalid rehire gap mapping


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