Avionté University Microlearning Courses

Microlearning is a great way to get concise training on a specific subject, whether for introduction or as a refresher. Designed to be completed in under 10 minutes, these are easy to fit in to even the most demanding of schedules. Current microlearning offerings include BOLD Front Office and Avionté University Administrator tasks.



How to Enroll in Microlearning Courses
Advanced Search and Filtering for Microlearning Courses
BOLD Microlearning Courses


How to Enroll in Microlearning Courses

  1. Login to Avionté University at https://avionte.absorbtraining.com. A subscription to Avionté University is required to access the courses. Please speak with your account manager to purchase a subscription, if needed.
  2. Click the three lines in the top-right corner of the screen to open a dropdown menu and select Catalog.

  3. On the Catalog page, select Micro Learning by Topic.

  4. Choose a topic and click on it to reveal the courses in that category. All courses are self-enrolled.
    Note: Advanced search and filtering options are also available by clicking the Funnel icon to Show Filters (more information available below).

  5. Find the course you would like and click the blue Enroll button. The enroll button will change to Start and can be clicked to begin the course. The course can also be found in My Courses to be taken at a later time.

Advanced Search and Filtering for Microlearning Courses

  1. To search for a specific microlearning course, click on the Funnel icon to Show Filters.

  2. If you know the name of the course you would like to take, enter the name into the Course Name field and click the arrow at the right of it.

  3. Tags can be also used to narrow your search to a specific topic. Click the dropdown menu under Advanced Filtering and select Tags.

  4. In the newly visible Tags field, type the tag you would like to use to filter, or click the arrows at the right of the field to browse tags. Multiple tags can be used together, so click on any you would like to use to refine your search.

BOLD Microlearning Courses

Avionté University Admin

Avionté University Admin - Add a Learner
  • This course is designed for administrators of Avionté University.
  • Learn how to add learners and enroll them in courses based on their function within your organization.
Avionté University Admin - Add an Enrollment
  • This course is designed for administrators of Avionté University.
  • This course provides instruction to enroll your learners in specific Ongoing Learning courses.
Avionté University Admin - Create the Learner Progress Report
  • This course is designed for administrators of Avionté University.
  • This course provides instructions on how to create reports to track learner progress.

AviontéBOLD Administrator

AviontéBOLD Administrator - Careers Page
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to configure the language, style, and layout of their Careers Page, and understand the functionality of the Careers Page Editor.
AviontéBOLD Administrator - Email Templates
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to create and manage email templates to assist in communicating with talent during the recruiting process.  
AviontéBOLD Administrator - Onboarding Tasks
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to configure Onboarding Tasks sent to talent during the Onboarding process and create and edit Onboarding Tasks Packets.  
AviontéBOLD Administrator - Table Editor
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to customize and configure system settings using the table editor.  
AviontéBOLD Administrator - User Account Setup
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to create and set up a new HCM user account and understand the different user accounts and their associated roles.   
AviontéBOLD Administrator - User Group Setup
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to create and configure user groups in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Administrator - User Type Setup
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to create and configure user types in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Administrator - Utilities
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to configure system settings in AviontéBOLD.

AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation

AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Advanced Search
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to use search terms to narrow down the advanced search.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Avionte Virtual Instructor
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to select the appropriate AVI Guide to complete a task and use AVI to access the Support Center articles to gain more knowledge on the platform.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Configure and Save Advanced Search Results
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to customize search results by adding, removing, and moving columns to organize the data and save an advanced search to gain easy access to the data.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Configuring Email and Text Messaging
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to setup the email auto-sync and custom SMTP and setup SMS text messaging.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Configuring the Profile Page
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to configure account settings for their user profile.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Introduction
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to login to the AviontéBOLD system, navigate AviontéBOLD using the menu and sub-menu options to locate desired data, and identify the appropriate icon or button for navigation for editing.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Main Menu Tabs
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to understand the functions of the Jobs, Talent, and Companies Tabs, create a new folder, add a new document, and identify operational, recruiting, and sales reports.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation – myDashboard
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to customize widgets using the filter icon to narrow down the data needed for their business needs; add, remove, and move widgets to customize myDashboard; and view and share myDashboard tasks.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Searching in BOLD
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to locate specific records in the platform by using a basic search.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - Submit a Ticket
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to label and describe an issue in a Support Ticket through the Support Center.
AviontéBOLD Basic Navigation - The Support Center
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to use a keyword search to gain access to useful articles in the Support Center and choose the appropriate category in the Support Center to locate desired articles.

AviontéBOLD Companies and Contacts

AviontéBOLD Companies - Add a Company
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to add a Company Record to AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Companies - Add an Office
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to manually add an office to a company’s record in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Companies - The Company Record
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to enter company contact information through the widget panel and enter the relevant information into the company record using the profile tabs.
AviontéBOLD Companies - The Company Tab
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to understand the definition of a company and contact and navigate and identify icons on the Company Tab in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Contacts - Add a Contact
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to manually add a contact to a company’s record in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Contacts - Install Echo Plug-in
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to install Echo Plug-in in their Chrome browser.
AviontéBOLD Contacts - Parse a Contact with Echo Plug-in
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to parse a contact into AviontéBOLD using Echo Plug-in.

AviontéBOLD Contacts - The Contact Record

  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to enter information through the Contact Profile widgets and enter the relevant information into the contact record using profile tabs.

AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings

AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - Job Detail Page
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to navigate the Job Detail page and enter and edit job information using the Job Detail page widgets.  
AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - Job Order Template
  • In this micro-lesson, learners will learn about the requirement levels pertaining to the job order templates and learn how to create a customized job order template.
AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - Job Widgets and Reports
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to track job posting performance using dashboard widgets and reports.
AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - New Job Order
  • In this micro-lesson, learners will learn how to create a new job order in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - New Requirement Group
  • In this micro-lesson, learners will learn about the requirement levels pertaining to a New Requirement Group and learn how to create a customized New Filled Job Requirement Group.
AviontéBOLD Job and Job Postings - Posting a Job
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to post a job to an internal and external job board.   

AviontéBOLD Talent Management

AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Add Talent Tags
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to add searchable tags to the Talent profile.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Import a Talent Record
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to create talent records by parsing text or resumes into the system; and importing and creating multiple talent records using a spreadsheet template.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Log an Activity
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to log an activity from the Talent profile.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Manually Create a Talent Record
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to understand the talent online application process and create talent records by manually adding talent into the system.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Onboarding Talent
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to understand the process of Onboarding Talent and assign appropriate documents and tasks to Talent during the Onboarding process.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - The Talent Record
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to understand the layout of the Talent profile page; and enter and edit information through the Talent profile widgets and tabs.
AviontéBOLD Talent Management - Track Talent Performance
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to track talent and performance through dashboard widgets and reports.

AviontéBOLD - Candidate Management

AviontéBOLD - Candidate Management - Update Assignments
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to update the job assignment from the job details page.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Active Unplaced Talent Search
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to search for active, unplaced Talent in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - General Apply Application Search
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to search for General Apply Applications in AviontéBOLD.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Navigating the Candidate Management Page
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn how to navigate the Candidate Management page.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Navigating the Talent Search Page
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to understand the Talent Terms menu to build search parameters specific to their needs and understand and use the mass action feature when appropriate.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Online Talent Application Search
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to search for Talent that completed an online application on your company website or job board.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Pipelining Talent
  • In this micro-lesson, users will understand the beginning stage of the Candidate Management process and learn to pipeline talent for a specific job order.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Reports and Widgets
  • In this micro-lesson users will learn how to track talent through dashboard widgets and reports, and follow open jobs, placements, and various statistics.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Talent Placement - Mass Start
  • In this micro-lesson, users will learn to assign multiple candidates to a job position using Mass Start.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Talent Placement - Nominated Talent
  • In this micro-lesson, users will understand the process of placing talent on an assignment.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Talent Placement - Quick Start
  • In this micro-lesson users will learn to start talent on a job from the Quick Actions menu on the talent profile.
AviontéBOLD Candidate Management - Talent Term Advance Search
  • In this micro-lesson, users will understand the Talent Terms menu to build search parameters specific to their needs and narrow down talent terms to find top candidates in AviontéBOLD.  


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