Avionté University Troubleshooting

I Can't Login

Try the Forgot Password link to reset your password. If no reset password email is received from Absorb, the account may have an invalid email address, or no email address attached. It is also possible that the user account has been removed for non-use during the past 30 days.

If a user is unable to log in or reset their password, their administrator can set a temporary password.


No One at my Company Can Login

Avionté University accounts are complimentary while a client is in implementation or migration. If your implementation or migration period is complete and Avionté University was not purchased, the Client account was removed. Contact your account manager for pricing.


I Have Typed the Correct Answer but I Receive An Error

Simulations are included in our Front Office courses. If you are receiving an error where you have typed the correct answer, back space to remove the answer and any prior typing that may be in the text field. The text will wrap, therefore only the last entry is visible... until you back space to remove your previously typed answer(s). When no text is visible hit back space once or twice more to ensure no "wrapped" text is hiding out of view.


I’m Unable to Advance in the Course

Two heads are better than one! Ask your Avionté University administrator to help you troubleshoot. Your admin can impersonate a user to see where they are having issues.
Instructions for the admin follow.

  1. Admin should select the user in the Users page and click on the Impersonate button in the right-hand menu.

  2. The Learner Portal opens. Navigate to My Courses from the menu or the dashboard tile and click Resume on the course in question.

  3. When the course loads, click Resume to start the course where the user left off. Restart will start the course over from the beginning.

  4. If the user is having difficulty completing a lesson, the admin can work through the lesson to assist the user in troubleshooting their error.
    Note: Jumping ahead in the lesson is the most frequent error encountered. Remember that ALL videos, audio, and exercises in the lesson must be completed to advance to the next lesson or course.
  5. When a lesson is completed, the user is returned to the Main Menu of the course. Completed lessons display a berry-colored checkmark on the menu option.

In the example above, the menu options Company Tab and Add a Company display a checkmark – meaning the lessons have been completed. The third menu option, Company Record, is unlocked and available, but not complete.

The remaining menu options will only become available as the previous lessons are completed. Once all lessons display a checkmark, the user will be able to select Click to Finish and exit the course. The course is only shown as complete if the user has completed it in its entirety. All videos, audio, and exercises in each lesson must be completed before the course is set to complete in the user’s transcript.


The Courses I've Taken are Not Marked as Complete

This could be one of several issues:

  • The most common issue is skipped lessons or pages. If you have skipped over portions of the course it will not be marked as complete. The Main Menu page used in the BOLD front office courses helps to prevent this. Each menu option on the Main Menu page should include a checkmark when the course is complete. If a lesson does not have a checkmark it will need to be taken again making sure that every page is completed.
  • Did you allow the course to finish? If you clicked out of the course or video without allowing it to finish or completing the quiz (when relevant) the system may not register the course as complete. To solve this, return to the lesson or video and make sure you reach the final screen. This should trigger the system to mark the course as complete. If you continue to have issues ask your internal Avionté University Administrator to update your Transcript manually.


Lessons That I Have Not Completed are Marked as Complete

This may occur with our role based courses. If you clicked out of the lesson without finishing, the status may show as complete in the Learner Portal. Whether the lesson is actually completed or not, you may always click the Complete button to resume or retake the lesson. The assessment following each lesson must be completed with a passing score of 80% before the next lesson in the course can be started.


Troubleshooting Archived Courses

Older and outdated courses have been archived. If you are taking a course that displays any of the following issues, please enroll in an updated course.

Course Does Not Load (Screen is White)

Some of our earliest courses were created in Captivate. If your attempt to load a course results in just a white screen - you are probably trying to view one of these earlier courses. Scripts and Flash must be enabled.

  • When using the Chrome Browser
  1. In the upper right of your Chrome browser, you will see a Small icon. Other browsers will display something similar.

  2. Click the icon and a second message appears.

  3. Select the Load scripts link.
  4. You will be asked to allow Flash to run. Click the Allow button.


The course created using the Captivate tools will load onto the screen.

  • When using Safari on a Mac
  1. While in Safari click the Safari tab > Preferences > Websites.
  2. Click on the Adobe Flash Player Plug-in.
  3. Set the option next to "avionte.absorbtraining.com" to On.


If you do not see Adobe Flash Player listed under Plug-ins then it needs to be downloaded.

Error Loading Player

The error message "Error loading player: No playable sources found" can be resolved with an update to the computer's Flash player. Visit https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer to update.

Invalid License Key

The error message "Error setting up player: Invalid license key" can be resolved by clearing the browser's cache.

Clear Cache - Chrome

  1. In Chrome's browser toolbar, click More.
  2. Click History.
  3. Click Clear browsing data.
  4. Under "Clear browsing data," select the check boxes for Cookies and site data and Cached images and files.
  5. Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete.
  6. Click Clear browsing data.


Clear Cache - Internet Explorer (IE is not recommended)

IE 10 or 11

  1. In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button
  2. Point to Safety
  3. Select Delete browsing history.
  4. Choose the types of data or files you want to remove from your PC, and then select Delete.


IE 9

  1. In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button
  2. Select Internet options.
  3. Under Browsing history, select Delete.


IE 8

  1. In Internet Explorer, select the Safety menu
  2. Select Delete Browsing History.
  3. Choose the types of data and files you want to remove from your PC
  4. Select Delete.


Clear Cache - Firefox

  1. Click the Menu button
  2. Choose Options.
  3. Select the Advanced panel.
  4. Click on the Network tab.
  5. In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now.
  6. Close the about:preferences page. Any changes you've made will automatically be saved.


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