New Talent Hire Date Field - 1/31/2023 [RN]


What's new?

A new Hire Date field has been added to the Talent record > Operational Information section, which will automatically set a hire date value when the talent is placed on their first job or the user can manually input a hire date value.

This field is restricted by a user permission.  A user is only able to edit the Hire Date field if they are a Tax Admin. An AviontéBOLD Admin or Support needs to grant access to this permission if a user does not already have it.


Why did we do that?

The field was added so it can be tracked and incorporated into workflow processes.  It will also be leveraged by some of our partners' integrations.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

Thanks to this enhancement, you will be able to capture a talent's hire date and our partners will be able to utilize this information for their needs as well.

Now What?

If you'd like to utilize this field and you have the Tax Admin access, navigate to your talent records and update the Hire Date field within the Operational Information section.



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