AviontéCLASSIC Back Office Release Notes - NOVEMBER 2023

🚀 What's New
Release Date: 11/30/2023

1. PSD Code Tool Tip on School District

Improvement:  Avionte Classic Pennsylvania School district field has been updated to now display a tool tip to aid the user in verifying the accurate School District for the address entered.

Why? Prior to this improvement, the user would have to search out the appropriate knowledge base article to determine the site to identify the school district to ensure they return the accurate PSD code for their Pennsylvania employee.

How does this impact you? When the user accesses a School district field, the following tool tip will now display: "By selecting school district you are determining the reporting and remitting PSD code. Due to the multiple selections available, http://munstats.pa.gov/Public/FindLocalTax.aspx must be used to assist in confirming an accurate PSD code for the address provided."

KB Article: Employee Detail – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)



2. Update to use the define Customer/Order PSD code for Tax PSD Code 

Improvement:  Avionte Classic has updated the PSD Code logic to recognize the Customer/Order PSD code configured on the address. This includes the validation of the configured Pennsylvania School district field which has been updated to now display a tool tip to aid the user in verifying the accurate School District for the address entered.

Why? Prior to this improvement, in the situation when the geocode bordered a school district, the Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up for the Non-Resident [Worksite] record the PSD displayed was not honoring the school district/PSD code selected on the Customer/Order. 

How does this impact you? This won't cause a disruption to the current PSD code in reporting or exports,

as the PSD code is driven from the Worksite AQ [Get and Set Worksite PSD Codes] setting for 2023. In 2024 this AQ will be decommissioned, and the system will be using the Customer/Order configured PSD code.


This improvement impacts only the display in Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up for the Non-Resident [Worksite] record the PSD.


When the user accesses Customer > Detail > Address > See All > School district field for a Pennsylvania address, the following tool tip will now display: "By selecting school district you are determining the reporting and remitting PSD code. Due to the multiple selections available, http://munstats.pa.gov/Public/FindLocalTax.aspx must be used to assist in confirming an accurate PSD code for the address provided."

When the Customer/Order Address is configured with Zip, Geocode and School district, the system will return and display the system determine PSD code. This PSD code will also be reflected in Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up > under the Non-Resident [Worksite] City Record under the PSD Column when the tax records are created.

KB Article: Customer Address – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)


3. Update to use the define Customer/Order PSD code for Tax PSD Code

Improvement:  Avionte Classic has updated the PSD Code logic to recognize the Customer/Order PSD code configured on the address. This includes the validation of the configured Pennsylvania School district field which has been updated to now display a tool tip to aid the user in verifying the accurate School District for the address entered.
Why? Prior to this improvement, in the situation when the geocode bordered a school district, the Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up for the Non-Resident [Worksite] record the PSD displayed was not honoring the school district/PSD code selected on the Customer/Order. 
How does this impact you? This won't cause a disruption to the current PSD code in reporting or exports, as the PSD code is driven from the Worksite AQ [Get and Set Worksite PSD Codes] setting for 2023. In 2024 this AQ will be decommissioned, and the system will be using the Customer/Order configured PSD code.
This improvement impacts only the display in Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up for the Non-Resident [Worksite] record the PSD.
When the user accesses Customer > Detail > Address > See All > School district field for a Pennsylvania address, the following tool tip will now display: "By selecting school district you are determining the reporting and remitting PSD code. Due to the multiple selections available, http://munstats.pa.gov/Public/FindLocalTax.aspx must be used to assist in confirming an accurate PSD code for the address provided."
When the Customer/Order Address is configured with Zip, Geocode and School district, the system will return and display the system determine PSD code. This PSD code will also be reflected in Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up > under the Non-Resident [Worksite] City Record under the PSD Column when the tax records are created.


4. Mapping Table for Tax Collection District in the database

Improvement:  Avionte Classic has added a mapping table for Tax Collection District to the database. 

Why? Infrastructure items to support the improvement on reporting and exporting data around the state of Pennsylvania.


5. Payroll DRM Error for missing PSD code

Improvement:  Avionte Classic's Payroll Data Requirement Messages [DRM] has been improved to include a severe error for employees missing PSD codes for tax purposes.

Why? Prior to this improvement a user could process a payroll with a missing PSD code requiring the user to reach out to the Technical Services team to correct before quarter tax filing.

How does this impact you? When processing payroll if the employee is missing a PSD code configured in their address, the user will experience the following error:

"Paycheck is missing PSD Code for PA taxes. This is likely due to an incorrect or missing School District selection on the Employee's address."

To get past this error, the user can navigate to Employee > Detail > Address > See All. By selecting the appropriate Zip code, Geocode and school district combination, the system will populate the associated PSD code.

Note: Users must use http://munstats.pa.gov/Public/FindLocalTax.aspx to confirm the accurate school district based on their address entered.

KB Article: DRMs Payroll – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)



6. FSA Limits for 2024

Improvement:  The Yearend Flexible Savings Account [FSA] contributions have increased effective 01/01/2024. 

Why? Limits for FSA contributions increased for 2024. 

How does this impact you? The following will be reflected for 2024 FSA limits:

  • FSA: Limit for FSA 2024 has increased to $3200 - Avionte Code [125FSA Reg] 

KB Articles: Benefit Plan Limits for 2022 and 2023 – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com


Compliance Supporting Authority Link: RP-2023-23 (irs.gov)


7. 2024 Defined Contribution Limits

  • Improvement:  The 2024 Defined Contribution Limits have increased effective 01/01/2024. 
  • Why? Limits for 401K and 403B Defined contributions increased for 2024. 
  • How does this impact you? The following will be reflected for 2024 Defined Contribution Limits:
    • 401K - $23,000 new limit - Avionte Code 401K Deferral Reg
    • 403b - $23,000 new limit - Avionte Code 403B Deferral Reg
    • Catchup 401k - $7500 new limit - 401K CU2 Over 50 Reg
    • Catchup 403B - $7500 new limit - 403B CU2 Over 50 Reg
    • Roth-$23,000 (403 B)
    • Roth catch-up -The catch-up contribution limit for employees aged 50 and over is $7000.00.
      • Roth 401K Reg [taxable] 
      • Roth 401K CU [taxable]
      • Roth 403B Reg [taxable]
      • Roth 403B CU [taxable]

KB Articles: Benefit Plan Limits for 2022 and 2023 – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)

401K Catch Up – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)

Compliance Supporting Authority Link: 401(k) limit increases to $23,000 for 2024, IRA limit rises to $7,000 | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)


8. HSA Limits for 2024

  • Improvement:  The Yearend Health Savings Account [HSA] contributions have increased effective 01/01/2024. 
  • Why? Limits for HSA contributions increased for 2024. The catchup contributions have remained the same at $1000. 
  • How does this impact you? The following will be reflected for 2024 HSA limits:
    • HSA Self: increase the annual limit to $4,150.00 [this includes both the EE and ER contributions towards the annual limit]
    • HSA Family: increase the annual limit to $8,300.00 [this includes both the EE and ER contributions towards the annual limit]
    • With Catchup contributions remaining at $1000

KB Article: Benefit Plan Limits for 2022 and 2023 – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)

Compliance Supporting Authority Link: RP-2023-23 (irs.gov)


9. T4 XML changes for Second level CPP contributions

  • Improvement:  Avionte Classic Generate T4 has been updated with additional Yearend XML data for the upcoming Second Canada Pension Plan Contributions [CPP2]. 
  • Why? Canada Revenue Agency [CRA] will be implementing an update to their CPP enhancement rollout. Effective January 1, 2024, a higher second earnings ceiling of $73,200, known as the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings [YAMPE], will be implemented and used to determine the second additional CPP contributions known as CPP2. The CPP2 Wages and Contributions will be reported in the 2024 T4 XML. 
  • How does this impact you? When you process Weekly Process > Action > Generate T4/T4A > Generate T4 XML the following has been added to the T4 XML:
    • <cppe_cntrb_amt></cppe_cntrb_amt>
      • Employee's second Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions
      • 7 numeric
    • <qppe_cntrb_amt></qppe_cntrb_amt>
      • Employee's second QuĂ©bec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions
      • 7 numeric

Compliance Supporting Authority Link: T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid - Canada.ca


10. T4 XML changes for Dental Eligibility code

  • Improvement: Avionte Classic Generate T4/T4A has been updated with additional XML data for Employer offered dental benefit eligibility code for yearend tax form purposes.   
  • Why?
    Canada Revenue agency has implemented the requirement, in 2023, to indicate if the employer has provided access to any dental care insurance or coverage of dental services of any kind to the employee with the following codes.
    1. No dental insurance or coverage of any kind
    2. Payee 
    3. Payee, spouse and dependent children
    4. Payee and their spouse
    5. Payee and their dependent children
  • How does this impact you? 
      1. When processing Yearend tax forms, the user will be notified if there are missing Dental eligibility codes during Weekly Process > Actions > Generate T4/T4A > Generate T4 Data with an Error of: "T4 Employer-Offered Dental Benefit Code missing or invalid"
      2. When creating the T4/T4A XML under Weekly Process > Actions > Generate T4/T4A > Generate T4 XML the following tags will be included: 
        1. T4 <empr_dntl_ben_rpt_cd ></empr_dntl_ben_rpt_cd>
        2. T4A <payr_dntl_ben_rpt_cd></payr_dntl_ben_rpt_cd>
      3. When executing Weekly Process > Actions > Generate T4/T4A > Run T4 Report the Dental Eligibility code configured for:
        1. T4's will flow to T4 Box 45
        2. T4A's will flow to T4A Box 15
      Note: there will be further communications in an upcoming release detailing the configuration of the Dental Eligibility Code.


11. XML updates for T4 Summary [CPP Second Pension Plan contributions]

  • Improvement:  Avionte Classic Generate T4 Summary has been updated with additional Yearend XML data for the upcoming Canada Pension Plan [CPP] Second Pension Plan Contributions. 
  • Why? Canada Revenue Agency [CRA] will be implementing an update to CPP where Second Pension Plan Contributions will need to be reported starting 2024. 
  • How does this impact you? The following has been added to the T4 Summary XML:
    • <tot_empe_cppe_amt></tot_empe_cppe_amt>
      • Accumulated total of employees' second Canada Pension Plan contributions
      • 13 numeric
    • <tot_empr_cppe_amt></tot_empr_cppe_amt>
      • Total employer's second Pension Plan contributions
      •  13 numeric

Compliance Supporting Authority Link: T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid - Canada.ca


12. Tax - Canadian Default Taxes prior to being placed on assignment

  • Improvement:  Avionte Classic has improved Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up > Create Default Tax for Canadian Employees to create the Federal and Provincial Records based on Employee Resident [Live] address when run prior to the employee being placed on assignment
  • Why? Prior to this improvement, the employee records would not update prior to being placed on assignment.
  • How does this impact you? Canadian taxes are calculated based on the employees province of resident. By executing Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up > Create Default Tax a non-required Provincial tax record may be created if the employee lives and works in different provinces. This non-required Provincial tax record will not impact the accurate tax being calculated for that Canadian employee.


13. Minnesota Sick Leave [Effective 1/1/2024]

  • Improvement:  Avionte Classic's has now added a new Minnesota Sick Leave to be effective 01/01/2024.
  • Why? Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Minnesota’s earned sick and safe time law requires employers to provide paid leave to employees who work in the state. 
  • How does this impact you?  
  • The new accrual plan, Minnesota Sick Leave is now available to be configured for an Employer under Admin Tool > Employer > Accrual Plan
  • The new accrual plan Minnesota Sick Leave is now available to be configured for an employee under Employee > Payroll > Accrual. 
  • The paid leave configuration for Minnesota Sick Leave is as follows:
    • Accrual Plan = Sick Leave_MN
    • City/County = N/A
    • State = MN
    • Effective Date = 1/1/2024
    • Hours to accrue 1 hour = 30
    • Gap Days = 180
    • Days Before Use = 0
    • Max Hours Use in 1 year = 128
    • Pay Period Limit = 0 [0=Unlimited]
    • Max Accrual Balance = 80
    • Yearly limit = 48
    • Allowed Carry Over Hours = 80 [1=Unlimited]
    • DateBasedOn = Anniversary
    • MaxAccrualBalance = 80 [0=Unlimited]
    • Initial Balance = 0
    • UnlimitedCarryOver = 0 [1=Unlimited, 0=Not unlimited and will look at AllowedCarryOver value]
    • Add to Automatically Insert = Yes with conditions [another MN plan cannot be active].
  • This plan only allows a singular Minnesota Sick Leave plan to be active at a time including the following plans:
  • If a user tries to configure a new active plan in Minnesota when one is already active they will get the notification of "There is a related state plan active for this employee that cannot be active at the same time. Please set the other plan to inactive to add this plan."

Compliance Supporting Authority Link: Earned sick and safe time | Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (mn.gov)


14. Modify Classic to Look to S3 for Documents

  • Improvement:  Avionte Classic has been improved by having Classic look to S3 for Documents.  
  • Why? Infrastructure item to support the improvement to Classic SQL Document Migration.

🚀 What's New
Release Date: 11/09/2023

Avionte Classic has now added a new Illinois Paid Leave to be effective 01/01/2024.

  • Why? Compliance requirements to align with the new Illinois Paid Leave accrual.
  • How does this impact you?  
    • The new accrual plan, IL Paid Leave, is now available. This can be configured for an Employer under Admin Tool > Employer > Accrual Plan.
    • The new accrual plan, IL Paid Leave, is now available to be configured for an employee under Employee > Payroll > Accrual.
    • The paid leave configuration for Illinois Paid Leave is as follows:
      • Accrual Plan = IL Paid Leave
      • City/County = N/A
      • State = IL
      • Effective Date = 1/1/2024
      • Hours to accrue 1 hour = 40
      • Days Before Use = 90
      • Gap Days = 365
      • Max Hours Use in 1 year = 40
      • Max Accrual Balance = 0
      • Yearly limit = 40
      • Allowed Carry Over Hours = 1 [Unlimited]
      • DateBasedOn = Calendar
      • Automatically Insert = No

  • Illinois only allows a singular Illinois plan to be active at a time including the following plans:
    • IL Paid Leave
    • Sick Leave Chicago IL 
    • Sick Leave Cook IL
  • If a user tries to configure a new active plan in Illinois when one is already active, they will get the notification of "There is a related state plan active for this employee that cannot be active at the same time. Please set the other plan to inactive to add this plan.":

🚀 What's New

Release Date: 11/01/2023

1. Avionte Classic's Billing Batch has been improved with the addition of an Action of Email Unsent Invoices.

  • Why? Prior to this improvement, in the event of a disruption during the Billing Batch process, when all invoices where not sent, the user would have to manually email the unsent invoices. 
  • How does this impact you? 
    • If the user experiences a disruption where not all the invoices were emailed in the Billing Batch, they can now go to Billing Batch > Action > Email Unsent Invoices, which will prompt the batch to continue emailing the unsent invoices.
    • The user must be configured to have access to this action under Admin Tools > Config Option > User > bil_EmailUnsentInvoiceForBillingBatch.
  • Screenshot:

KB Article: Billing Batch Action: Email Unsent Invoices – Avionte Classic (zendesk.com)

2. Avionte Classic's has improved the UI experience for Invoice Email Status to now display Email Status of the invoice in the application. Additionally, the logic around filtering and messages in the Select Invoice feature has been improved.

  • Why? Prior to this improvement:
    • The Email Status was only stored in the SMTP email log.
    • Under Save Invoices > Select Invoice when the user filtered and made selections, if the user runs a second filter, the selections from the first filter would not be retained.
    • Upon using Save Invoices > Select Invoice > Add Selected, if there are a number of invoices selected that are already in the Invoice Collection, the system will return multiple message for each of the invoice that already exist.
  • How does this impact you? 
    • The Email status will display in the application under:
      • Invoice > Summary - A new line labelled Email Status will display a Blank or Success value 
      • Invoice > Search - Will be selectable in the field chooser to display on the grid [default to display]
      • Invoice > Save Invoices > Select Invoice - Will be selectable in the field chooser to display on the grid [default to display]
      • Billing Home > Billing Batch Summary - A new line labelled Email Status will display a Blank or Success value 
      • Billing > Search - Will be selectable in the field chooser to display on the grid [default to display]
      • Billing > Save Invoices > Batch Invoices - Will be selectable in the field chooser to display on the grid [default to display]
    • Under Save Invoices > Select Invoice, the user can do multiple filters to select all invoices without losing the previous filter selection.
    • Upon using Save Invoices > Select Invoice > Add Selected, if there are some invoices selected that are already in the Invoice Collection, the system will only return 1 message listing all of the invoices that already exist.
  • Screenshot: 

Vertex DLL Update - Email Notification

Release Date: 11/30/2023

Vertex | Update 4.5.0 2023 DLL

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