Recruiter Email Notifications for 24/7 Job Interest & Offer Acceptances - 8/23/23 [RN]


What's new?

When a talent accepts a job offer or interest on the 24/7 mobile app, the recruiter can now receive email notifications.  The emails they receive are based on the user's Talent Apply Emails configuration in the User Settings screen.

  • If the Talent Apply Emails setting is configured to "None", then the user will not receive these emails.
  • If the Talent Apply Emails setting is configured to "Only for My Jobs", then the user will only receive emails for job offer and interest acceptances for jobs where they are the job owner.
  • If the Talent Apply Emails setting is configured to "For All Jobs", then the user will receive emails for all job offer and interest acceptances.

The recruiter will receive an email in this format.

Why did we do that?

With the recruiters receiving emails when talent accept a job interest or offer, they can act quicker and get the talent placed on the job in BOLD.

Why does this matter to you, as a client/customer/user?

With the recruiters receiving emails when talent accept a job interest or offer, they can act quicker and get the talent placed on the job in BOLD.

Now What?

Check your user email settings to ensure you are receiving the emails.


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