This article is designed to enable ACA use in the Avionté application.
Config Forms
Employee > ACA Eligibility Visibility
Config Options
Allow/Edit ACA Config Option
CountAsAssigned Setup
Review ACA Transaction PayCodes
Hours of Service Transaction Property
Units to Hours Multiplier
Data Requirement Messages
Review ACA Eligibility
ACA Full Time w/o Offer Counter
Deactivate Former Counter & Install New Counter
Invoice Modifications
Set up ACA Admin Fee Percent & Logic
Branch Level
Customer Level
Set up New Transaction Type for ACA Admin Fee
Time Entry
Processing Invoice Corrections with ACA Admin Fees
Config Forms
Employee > ACA Eligibility Visibility
In order to view or edit an employee’s ACA status the ACA section must be available in the Avionté Main Menu.
- On the Start Page of the Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- In the main window, select System from the Category panel.
- From the Select panel, double-click Form. The System|Config Form window displays.
- In the Config Form section, navigate to Front Office and select Employee.
- Select the sub menu Payroll.
- Select ACA Eligibility from the Payroll sub menu.
- Select the User or Group radio button depending on who will have access to ACA functionality.
- Select the IsVisible check box for the users/groups that should be able to view the ACA Eligibility data. Edit ability will be set later in the ACA Config Option section.
- Click Save. The ACA Eligibility sub-tree option is now available after the user has restarted the Avionté application.
Config Options
Allow/Edit ACA Config Option
The Allow/Edit ACA Config Option determines which users or groups are able to manually edit the ACA Eligibility status of an employee. This is controlled at the user level so editing can be restricted as needed.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- Click System in the Category column.
- Double-click Config Option in the Select column.
- Click the Config Option By FKName column.
- In the ConfigOptionType column, type "User". The table will be filtered to show only those Config Option Types which include the word "User."
- Type "ACA" in the Property column to filter the property listings.
- Select the AllowEditACAEligibility listing.
- In the right panel, select the User or Group radio button.
- Use the Select column to choose the users or groups which will be updated.
- Type "True" in the ConfigOptionValue field for each of the selected users or groups.
- Press Tab on the keyboard to save.
When the Config Option is set to "True," the ‘Is Employee ACA Eligible?’ dropdown appears for a configured user. An employee’s ACA status can then be edited in the Employee record:
- Employee > Payroll > ACA Eligibility
CountAsAssigned Setup
Avionté requires employment history for the reporting year in order to produce Line 16 data for employees' 1095-Cs. The system collects this information via assignment history. In the event that an assignment is created mistakenly or the employee never shows up to work, the system reads assignment information based off of the Assignment's Performance field in the Assignment > Detail screen. To produce accurate 1095-Cs, you must ensure the Config Choice property of CountAsAssigned is set up to track this information correctly.
- From the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, click on Actions and select Admin Tools from the drop-down menu. The Admin Tools window displays.
- In the main window, select System from the Category panel.
- From the "Select" panel, double-click Config Choice. The System|Config window displays.
- Click the ChoiceProperty tab.
- Select AssignmentPerformance_Temp from the "Category" drop-down menu.
- Select a branch from the "Select Branch" drop-down menu.
Note: If you want to apply these changes to all branches, place a check in the "Apply Changes to all Branches" checkbox. - Scroll through the listed Choice Codes and alter the column labeled "CountAsAssigned" to one of the values below.
Option Description True Implies that the employee has completed some working hours. False Implies that the employee never worked on this assignment. - Press Tab on the keyboard to save the changes.
Review ACA Transaction PayCodes
ACA Transaction PayCodes The following Transaction Types / PayCodes should be included in the calculations of your ACA hours. If you do not already have Paid Leave transaction types, you will need to add them. |
Reg |
Paid |
Employer Paid Disability Time |
OT |
Paid FMLA |
DT |
Sick Time |
Bereavement |
On Call Time |
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- Click System in the Category column.
- Double-click Transaction Type in the right panel.
- Select the Property tab within the displayed System Config Transaction Type window.
- From the Select Branch drop-down, select the branch.
- Find the paycode wish to review in the list of Transaction types.
- Scroll to the right and find the IncludeInACAHours column.
- The column IncludeInACAHours should be True for transaction types that should be tracked for ACA.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Click Save.
Hours of Service Transaction Property
Hours of paid leave, such as FMLA, Military, and Workers Compensation count toward hours of service when determining employee ACA Eligibility. To make this happen automatically, the IncludeInACAHours property must be set to True for these transaction types.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- Click System in the Category column.
- Double-click Transaction Type in the right panel.
- In the Config Transaction Type window, select the Property tab.
- Choose a branch from the Select Branch drop-down menu.
- Select the Apply changes to all Branches check box if appropriate.
- In the Name column, use filtering to locate these transactions.
- Scroll horizontally to locate the IncludeInACAHours column.
- Set the property to "True." This allows the service hours to be included when determining ACA Eligibility.
- Tab off to save changes.
- The pop-up message asks for confirmation. Click OK.
Units to Hours Multiplier
The transaction type property Units to Hours Multiplier allows for the conversion of non-standard hours into hours which can be applied towards ACA eligibility. (i.e.: Salary, Piece Pay, etc.) The Units to Hours Multiplier can be set to decimal or whole integers (Default = 1).
- Salary: set value to 40 = 1 unit of pay in Time Entry (if paying weekly, as 1 unit represent 40 ACA qualified hours). If you pay on a different pay cycle, adjust the UnitToHours accordingly.
- Piece Pay: set value to ‘x’ = 1 unit of pay = # of units per hour in Time Entry
- Will only apply to Time Entry transactions where the transaction property of IncludeinACAHours is set to True.
Data Requirement Messages
Avionté contains several ACA specific DRMs. If you do not see these DRMs contact your Avionté support team for assistance.
Review ACA Eligibility
The ACA Eligibility DRMs will notify you if an employee does not have their ACA Eligibility status set.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- Click System in the Category column.
- Double-click Data Requirement Message from the right panel.
- Filter the results by typing ACA in the Message column. All DRMs with ACA in the message will load.
- You should see the On Assignment Warning and the Time Entry Batch Verification Warning.
- If you wish to modify the DRM Error Type or Message, select the DRM.
- Select the type of warning desired form the Error Type dropdown.
- A Severe Error Type will not allow you to continue until the error is corrected.
- A Warning Error Type notifies you of the error, but allows you to continue.
- Modify the text that should appear in the message when the DRM is fired. DO NOT modify the SP.
- Make sure that the Active check box is selected and Save the DRM.
ACA Full Time w/o Offer Counter
To improve the precision and notification process regarding qualified employees awaiting insurance, the ACA Full Time w/o Offer counter has replaced the Enrollment Deadline (ACA) counter. The Enrollment Deadline (ACA) counter will no longer function.
The counter includes any employee that meets all of the following conditions:
- Employee Status is active ("ImpliesActive" = true)
- Has been designated Full Time either manually or as a result of an ACA measurement period
- Has not yet received an offer of ACA benefits in the ACA Companion application OR does not have an active offer in the ACA Companion (ie., offer may have ended).
If a counter-eligible employee is found to be terminated based on a gap in employment, the employee will drop off of the counter until they are again found to be eligible.
Deactivate Former Counter & Install New Counter
To enable access to the ACA Full Time w/o Offer counter, follow the Admin Tools steps below:
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu. The Admin Tools main window opens.
- Click System in the Category column.
- Double-click Counter in the right panel.
- Filter on "ACA" in the cell below Counter Name to locate ACA-related counters.
- Click on the ACA Full Time w/o Offer row.
- Filter the Counter Users in the lower-right by "Group" by selecting the Group radio button.
- In the Counter Users section in the lower-right, click on a group's check mark box to add a check mark making the counter visible to any user in that group.
- To add to individual users not included in the group above, filter the Counter Users in the lower-right by "User" by selecting the User radio button.
- In the Counter Users section in the lower-right, click on a user's check mark box to add a check mark making the counter visible to that user.
The counter accounts for any employee that includes all of the following conditions:
- Is active
- Has been designated Full Time either manually or per an ACA measurement period
- Has not yet received an offer of ACA benefits
Invoice Modifications
You may wish to modify your invoice to include fees due to ACA costs.
Set up ACA Admin Fee Percent & Logic
Determine the level at which the fee is calculated - Branch or Customer.
Branch Level
If the fee is calculated at the Supplier level, every branch and customer uses the same logic/percentage to calculate the ACA Fee.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu.
- Select System in the left panel.
- Double-click Config Option in the right panel.
- In the Config Option window, select the Config Option By FKName tab.
- In the ConfigOptionType column, type "ACA" The table will be filtered to show only those ConfigOptionTypes which include "ACA" in the name.
- Apply an ACA admin fee to:
Note: The config options, ACA_Admin_Fee and ACA_Admin_Fee_BasedOn are only available in Avionté versions 15.2 and newer.
- Enter actual percent value. Example: 3%, 4.58% (The default is 0%). For example, if assessing $0.25 per hour, input 25.
- The percentage sign (%) is not necessary when inputting your value. The value input will be assumed to be a percentage. If a percentage sign is entered, the system will remove it.
- Enter "ACAHours" or "TotalBill"(Default).
- When set to "TotalBill," the System will use "ACA_Admin_Fee%" multiplied by "Total Bill" to calculate ACA Admin Fee. This will be on TotalBill regardless of PayCode type.
- When set to "ACAHours," the system will use "ACA_Admin_Fee%" multiplied by "Total hours" (IncludeInACAHours = True) to calculate ACA Admin Fee. This will need to be set up as a percentage, so if doing $0.25 per hour, enter 25%.
- ACA_Admin_Fee
- ACA_Admin_Fee_BasedOn
- Select branches as necessary to apply the value.
- For example, Branch A, B and C have AdminFee of 3%, based on ACA Hours, and Branch D, and E have AdminFee of 5% based on TotalBill. Update ACAAdminFeePercent > Default Value to 3, select Branch A, B and C and click “Update selected row with default value." Then change ACAAdminFeePercent > Default Value to 5, select Branch D and E and click “Update selected row with default value."
Note: The ACAAdminFeePercent config options is only available in Avionté versions 15.2 and newer.
- If branches all have the same values, Select all, and click Update selected row with default value.
- If branches differ in either value, amend the value, then select each as applicable to apply changes.
- For example, Branch A, B and C have AdminFee of 3%, based on ACA Hours, and Branch D, and E have AdminFee of 5% based on TotalBill. Update ACAAdminFeePercent > Default Value to 3, select Branch A, B and C and click “Update selected row with default value." Then change ACAAdminFeePercent > Default Value to 5, select Branch D and E and click “Update selected row with default value."
When setup has been completed, a separate line item will be shown on invoices. This applies only to standard invoice styles. If you have a customized invoice, please contact Avionté to have this added.
Customer Level
Customers may have different logic/percentage to calculate the ACA Fee.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu.
- Select System in the left panel.
- Double-click Config Choice in the right panel.
- On the Detail tab (default), click Add New. Fields will become available in the Config Choice Detail area.
- Select CustomerOrderExtra from the Category drop-down menu in the Config Choice Detail area.
- Enter a name for the fee in the Choice Code field. Enter a name like "ACAAdminFeeMinneapolis" (or whatever makes sense to your organization.)
- Click the ChoiceProperty tab to display Config Choice properties.
- Select CustomerOrderExtra from the Category drop-down menu.
- Enter "ACA" in the ChoiceCode cell to filter the grid by ACA properties.
- Scroll to the right to display the System Name column.
- The System Name must be ACAAdminFeePercent. Click the SystemName cell in the row of the newly added config choice.
- Enter "ACAAdminFeePercent" as the value.
- Tab off the cell to save the value.
Set up New Transaction Type for ACA Admin Fee
Add a new transaction type with the System Name ACAAdminFee. The Transaction type can be given any name/description that you choose as long as the system name matches above. This name will appear on the Invoice.
- On the Start Page of the Avionté Core Application, select Admin Tools from the Actions menu.
- Select System in the Category panel.
- Double-click Transaction Type in the Select panel.
- Select the Detail tab within the displayed System Config Transaction Type window.
- Select the Add New button.
- In the Name field, type "ACAAdminFee" as one word without spaces. If there are spaces, an error will appear. This name will also appear on the Invoice.
- Add a Description for this transaction type, such as "ACAAdminFee."
- Ensure a System Name for this transaction type, such as "ACAAdminFee" has been added.
Note: This field will automatically populate when a Name is added. This can be changed by clicking in the field and updating the text.
- From the Type drop-down menu, select Adjustment.
For any type chosen, we recommend setting it up as a Pass through deduction where both the Is Adjustment and Is Transactional check boxes are selected. Selecting "Adjustment" for the Type will automatically select both the IsAdjustment and IsTransactional checkboxes.
- Click Save.
- Select the Property tab. Here you can control whether the transaction is included in your GP.
- Some of the properties that need to be considered.
- GPCalculation, best practice = True
- IncludeInACAHours, best practice = True
- IncludeInOtherHours, best practice = False
- In Admin tools, check that this transaction type is setup correctly for all Sales Tax and Discounts.
Time Entry
After ACA Admin Fee is set up, verify the batch in Time Entry.
The batch should include the ACA Fee transaction type.
Verify the batch any time a change is made to the Admin Fee % to update the value in the batch.
If time was imported from the web or via import files, the admin fee will be added/shown after closing the batch.
Process an invoice correction to make an ACA Admin Fee change for a specific transaction.
Processing Invoice Corrections with ACA Admin Fees
ACA admin fees are based on either the total bill of an invoice or billed ACA hours. Because of this relationship, completing an invoice correction for an invoice containing ACA admin fees relies on a specific process. To correct an invoice containing an admin fee:
- From the Main Menu, select Back Office > Invoice
- Search for the invoice that requires the correction by entering search criteria into the "Search Criteria" field at the top of the application.
- Click Invoice Correction.
Change Log Date | Change Log Description |
10/18/2021 | Formatting and added Section links |
07/06/2021 | Added verbiage regarding "ACAAdminFee" on Invoices |
06/04/2021 | Formatting updates |
02/15/2017 | Article created |
4 commentsPlease sign in to leave a comment.
I am having trouble voiding invoices and replacing them with the same number. I believe I am missing a step somewhere. Please help ASAP!
Hi Cindy. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble! If you haven't already, I would reach out to our Support Team so you can get assistance. Be sure to include as many details as possible, as that will help with the troubleshooting process.
My payroll administrator Carina is having trouble making a ticket. We need someone to call her at 909-590-8300. We had this problem several times we need know how to correct invoices that have an issue and how to void and replace invoice without rates being deleted or effect any current pay periods.
Hi Cindy. I opened a ticket on your behalf with the information you've provided here. Please feel free to CC Carina as well so she can provide more details.