ACA Companion - Employee Plan Details Tab

Offers of insurance must be entered into the ACA Companion on the Employee Plan Details tab in order to show an offer of insurance on the 1095-C. 

  • Insurance offers do not pull from the core application and this tab is used to manage what coverage an employee has during a time range for the purposes of ACA reporting. 
  • Insurance offers do not pull from Payroll > Deductions. 
  • Insurance offers do not pull from a completed eDoc or Adobe E-Signature document.

Offers of insurance must be entered into the ACA Companion on the Employee Plan Details tab in order to show an offer of insurance on the 1095-C. 


Employee Plan Details Demo Video
Employees list
Employee plan details - Employee
    Plan accepted
    Plan declined
Employee plan details - Covered individual


Employee Plan Details Demo Video


Employees list


Field  Description
Search field

Use the Search field to quickly find an employee. Search by Last Name, Last 4 of SSN or First Name Last Name. 


The window displays a list of all employees that have synced from the core application, which is any employee with a valid SSN. If sync errors have occurred, an employee may not be in the list.

The list is displayed in descending alphabetical order by last name. To assist the user in selecting an employee that may share the same name as other employees, the last 4 digits of the employee's social security number is displayed in the Last 4 SSN column. 

Next Twenty employees are displayed at a time. If there are more than twenty employees to display, clicking "Next" advances the list forward alphabetically. 
Previous Twenty employees are displayed at a time. If the list has been advanced, clicking "Previous" advances the list backward alphabetically.


Employee plan details - Employee

Once an employee is selected from the Coverage list, the coverage history for that specific employee is displayed. Benefit and plan information can be edited in the fields then updated to the employee's record.

Plan accepted or declined? radio buttonsOptions used to designate whether the employee accepted or declined an insurance plan. The fields displayed based on the decision are separated into "Accepted" and "Declined" tables below.

Field  Description
Back to list link Click to return to the Employee list.
Selected employee tab The highlighted tab designates that the employee's coverage information, rather than covered family member information, is displayed. The timeline displays future, current, and the history of an individual's insurance coverage decisions based on offers from the selected employer. Click a block in the timeline to display data fields associate with that time frame.
Covered individual tab

Covered individuals are family members and/or dependents of the employee. Click on a Covered individual tab to display data for that individual.

Add a covered individual link

Click to add a family member and/or dependent to the employee's insurance plan. The employee's insurance plan must allow the coverage others besides the employee.

ACA employer drop-down menu The drop-down menu provides a list of employers offering coverage to the employee. Select an employer from the menu to view coverage information for assignments the employee had with that particular employer. 
Employee's coverage history message A message describing the data in the employee's Benefit package offers tree below
Benefit package offers

An expand/collapse tree displaying the offers made to an employee. The tree indicates whether offered plans have been accepted or declined. Any plans available in the employee's Benefit package offers will also be available to the employee's covered individuals (dependents).

Once benefit plans have been imported, it is still possible to view a list of employees who have either accepted enrollment or declined, but no changes can be made.  The Make offer and Update buttons are disabled.  

Make offer button Click the Make offer button to add additional plans to the employee's Benefit package offers. 
Employee information

Employee information such as name, SSN, and address are displayed.

  • Employee name
  • Social Security Number
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • Country and ZIP
Benefit package offered drop-down menu A drop-down menu that features available benefit plans (comprised of specific insurance plans). Select the package that is offered to the employee. 
Benefit offer date calendar The date the Benefit package was offered to the employee. 
Plan accepted or declined? radio buttons Options used to designate whether the employee accepted or declined an insurance plan. The fields displayed based on the decision are separated into "Plan Accepted" and "Plan Declined" tables below.


Plan accepted

Field Description
Date enrolled calendar The date the employee enrolled in the insurance plan.
Coverage dates calendar The start and end date defining the range in which the individual is covered by the insurance plan.  
Health plan selected drop-down menu The specific health plan accepted by the employee.
Update button Click Update to save any changes made to the acceptance fields.
Cancel link Click Cancel before Update to disregard field changes.
Remove link Click Remove to remove the acceptance from the employee's record. 


Plan declined

Field Description
Date range of offer calendar The range of dates in which the employee was eligible for insurance. This is the same date range the employee would have been covered by insurance had they enrolled. 
Decline reason field A free-text field used to describe why the employee declined the insurance plan offer.
Update button Click Update to save any changes made to the declination information.
Cancel button Click Cancel before Update to disregard field changes. 
Remove button Click Remove to remove the declination from the Employee's record.


Employee plan details - Covered individual


Field  Description
Back to list Click to return to the Employee list.
Add a covered individual link Click to add another family member and/or dependent to the employee's insurance plan. The employee's insurance plan must allow coverage to others besides the employee. 
ACA employer The drop-down menu provides a list of employers offering coverage to the employee. Select an employer from the menu to view coverage information for assignments the employee had with that particular employer. 
Selected Covered individual tab The highlighted tab designates that a dependent's coverage information (rather than the direct employee's information), is displayed.
Individual's coverage history message A message describing the data in the Individual enrollments chart.
Individual enrollments chart

A chart that indicates the individual's benefit coverage including the date the coverage is scheduled to end. 

As the main Employee accepts insurance plans, more options become available in the dependent individual's chart. 

A selected row in the chart is highlighted and date information corresponding to that row is displayed to the right. 

Individual's personal information

Information about the individual such as associated employee, the individual's name, SSN, and date of birth.

  • Employee name (primary) - The name of the employee to whom the covered individual is a dependent
  • Covered individual's first name field - The first name of the dependent
  • Covered individual's middle name field - The middle name of the dependent
  • Covered individual's last name field - The last name of the dependent
  • SSN or other TIN* field - The covered individual's 9-digit social security number. Instead of an SSN, the Social Security Number field may instead contain either of the following:
    • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) - a nine-digit number issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required for U.S. tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have and are not eligible to get a social security number (SSN.)
    • Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) - a five-digit identification number assigned by the IRS to a participant in IRS e-file that performs activity of transmission and/or software development.
    • If the individual does not have an SSN or TIN, a birthdate is required in the next field.
  • Birthdate calendar - The date of birth of the covered individual. If a social security number or TIN is not available, the birthdate will be required.
Date enrolled calendar The date the individual was enrolled in the insurance plan.
Coverage dates calendars The start and end date defining the range in which the individual is covered by the insurance plan. 
Update button

Click Update to save any changes made to the acceptance fields.

Once benefit plans have been imported, it is still possible to view an individual employee’s enrollments and declinations, but no changes can be made.  The Update buttons are disabled.

Cancel link Click Cancel before Update to disregard field changes.
Remove link Click Remove to remove the acceptance from the employee's record.


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