SimpleVMS Mapping

SimpleVMS mappings within BOLD are essential for ensuring jobs, contacts, and skills are aligned between the two platforms. Follow this article to complete the SimpleVMS Mapping Setup.


Locating SimpleVMS Settings

  1. Click Account & Settings, then Utilities

  2. Type 'SimpleVMS' in the search bar and click on the SimpleVMS Settings Utility


Company Mapping​

Buyers mapped to the staffing agency vendor record in SimpleVMS will be displayed in the Company Mapping screen. In order to receive jobs in BOLD for the SimpleVMS buyers, they need to be mapped to a BOLD company.​

If needed, you’re able to create a new BOLD company from this screen.​

Default Job Owners must be configured for each mapped BOLD company.​

Note: If the company mappings are updated, it will only be reflected for new jobs moving forward. Existing jobs will remain under the original BOLD company.​


Map by Worksite: This allows for multi-regional employers to be mapped to different BOLD companies based on Worksite. This is used when a BOLD tenant has two BOLD COMPANY records for the same SimpleVMS Employer​

Job Template Override: This allows for when a job is created to have job details overridden based on a template. Job templates on the company level with a exact matching to template name to Job title will use the job template details vs the job posting from SimpleVMS


Contact Status Mapping

Each SimpleVMS manager status must be mapped to a BOLD contact status.​

Note: This will only need to be updated if you add a new BOLD contact statuses and would like to change your SimpleVMS contact status mapping.


Job Skill Mapping

Each SimpleVMS job skill must be mapped to a BOLD skill code.​

When a new SimpleVMS job is created in BOLD, the BOLD job will then have the mapped skill codes based on the job skill mapping configuration. This is vital for the purposes of job matching and distribution through 24/7.​

Note: This will only need to be updated if you add a new BOLD skill code and would like to change your SimpleVMS job skill mapping.


Job Type Mapping

Each SimpleVMS job type must be mapped to a BOLD job type.​

Note: This will only need to be updated if you add a new BOLD job type and would like to change your SimpleVMS job type mapping.


Job Status Mapping

Each SimpleVMS job status must be mapped to a BOLD job status.​

Note: This will only need to be updated if you add a new BOLD job status and would like to change your SimpleVMS job status mapping.


Placement End Reason Mapping

Each SimpleVMS worker end reason must be mapped to a BOLD placement end reason.​

Note: This will only need to be updated if: ​
  • You add a new BOLD placement end reason and would like to change your SimpleVMS placement end reason mapping​
  • A newly mapped SimpleVMS buyer has custom worker end reasons configured in SimpleVMS

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