Greenshades Supplier Properties


Supplier Properties

Supplier Properties

Supplier Property Description
GS_Company_CompanyID Go to the GS_Company_CompanyID (section)
GS_CompanyRegistrationInfo This property is setup by Avionte when you start with Greenshades.  It's specific to the requirements of Greenshades
GSXMLFeed_Contact_ContactName Contact Name of the person that Greenshades will contact when your returns are filed.  This is only one person, and it will flow onto returns if required by the agency.
GSXMLFeed_Contact_ContactPhone Contact Phone of the person filing
GSXMLFeed_Contact_ContactPhoneExt Contact Phone Extension of the person filing
GSXMLFeed_Contact_ContactEmail Contact Email of the person filing.  The email must be on record with Greenshades



This means that the client will pay the IRS Federal Deposit weekly.  Sometimes this can be twice a week



This means that the client will pay the liability for the entire month to the IRS Federal Deposit, monthly.  This is due on the 15th of the following month.



The GS_CompanyFederalW2InfoMMREFPin property specifies the PIN number provided by the Social Security Administration office for Client verification.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Valid values: Client's Federal W2 PIN given by SSA office. PIN number can contain numbers and letter and needs to be given by client.
Where the setting is reflected... Greenshades - 941.



The GS_Company1099Info_PayerNameControl property is a Greenshades reference field.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: GREE
Valid values: GREE
Where the setting is reflected... Admin Tools



The GS_Company1099Info_TransmitterControlCode property is a control code PIN number (5 digits) that the supplier can use.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: 00000
Valid values: 5 digit PIN
Where the setting is reflected... Admin tools



The GS_Company941Info_DepositStateCode property specifies if client is doing business in one state or multiple states.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: MU
Valid values: The two-letter state abbreviation for the state the client does business in.
MU: Means the client does business in multiple states.
Where the setting is reflected... Greenshades - 941



The GS_Company_CompanyID property specifies the Registration Key for the supplier with Greenshades.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Valid values: Greenshades registration key, 16 digits letters and numbers
Where the setting is reflected... Admin Tools



Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Valid values: Should be FALSE (in most cases).  Only used when a 3rd Party is filing the return so the IRS can contact them.
Where the setting is reflected... Admin Tools



The GS_Company940_DesigneeName property specifies the person who is fiscally responsible for the 940 when the GS_Company940_Designee_Indicator property is set to True.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Preparer's Name of 940 Name of 3rd Party Filer
Where the setting is reflected... Greenshades - 940



Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Valid values: Pin from the Designee that is filing (if using a 3rd Party)
Where the setting is reflected... Greenshades - 940



The GS_Company940_DesigneePhone property specifies the phone number for who is set as fiscally responsible for the 940 in the GS_Company940_DesigneeName property.

Admin Tools location: Employer Category: (Select Employer) > Detail tab
Default: Null (empty value)
Valid values: Valid phone number
Greenshades - 940 Greenshades - 940



The GS_Company940_DesigneePhoneExt property specifies the phone number extension for the person fiscally responsible for the 940, as identified in the GS_Company940_DesigneeName property.

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