You also need to know the email for your support account, to use the forgot password link. This email may not be the same as your Avionté application username (which may be an email).
Note: Using this function requires you to have a Support account, that is authorized to create tickets in the Avionté support system. If your account does not have permission to create tickets, and you would like this permission, please contact your Account Manager or your company representative.
Click on the links for more information
- Create and View tickets with AVI in BOLD
- Using the Knowledge Base
- Using our Knowledge Base video
- Subscribe to the BOLD Bulletin
Forgot Password Link
If you have forgotten your password for the Avionté Support Center (where you can create support tickets), you can use the Forgot my password link.
- Click on the Sign In link
- If you are not already signed in on the Support Center homepage, when you click "Submit a ticket", the system will prompt you for an email and password.
- Click on the Forgot password? link
- The screen will change, saying "Please set me up with a new password".
- Enter your support account email in the field shown
- Click on the Submit button
- The screen will change again, saying "Check your email".
- Go to your email, and find the one from Avionté Support Center.
Click here to open a new window to set a new password
- It will say the following (the link will be different):
This email was sent to you because someone requested a password reset on your account.
- It will say the following (the link will be different):
- Click the link in the email, and a browser window will open where you will be able to enter a new password.
- Enter a new password
As the screen says, the new password must be at least 5 characters and must be different from your email address.
- Click on the Change password button.
- After clicking Change password, the system will log you into the Support Center.
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