🚀 What's New
Release Date: 01/19/2024
1. Compliance | Iowa Withholding | New filing statuses [effective 1/1/2024]
Improvement: Avionte Classic has updated the Iowa Withholding filing statuses under Employee > Payroll > Tax > Tax Set Up to accommodate the new Iowa Filing Status effective 1/1/2024.
Why? Iowa's Department of Revenue has updated the new 2024 filing statuses which was included in the January 2, 2024 Vertex release.
How does this impact you?
Filing status with options of:
- Single
- Married
- Head of Household
- Married Filing Jointly One Spouse Working
- Married Filing Jointly Two Spouse Working
Exemption Amount will now be included in the calculation with Vertex.
Allowances will no longer be included in the calculation with Vertex.
2. Admin Tools | Transaction Type | Display up to 4 decimals for a Rate
Improvement: Avionte Classic Transaction Type formula will now display the full numeric value.
Why? Prior to this improvement, if a numeric value entered in the Manual Value Entry field was configured greater than 4 decimals, although it uses the full numeric value for calculation, it only displays up to the rounded 2 decimals, not allowing the user to know what was actually configured.
How does this impact you? Under System > Admin Tools > Transaction Type > Detail > Formula > Define Value > Manual value entry, when you enter up to 4 decimal places, the System > Admin Tools > Transaction Type > Detail > Formula will now display all 4 decimal places. Anything over 5 decimals will display as a rounded value to 4 decimals.
KB article: Configuring Permanent Deductions with Fixed Percentage
3. Classic | AR | Selected Customer - ability to filter by Purchase Order number [PO#]
Improvement: Avionte Classic has improved the AR Customer Search by adding the ability to filter by Purchase Order Number.
Why? Prior to this improvement the system would only search by Customer and Branch.
How does this impact you? When Admin Tools > Config Option > Config Option By FKName> Property= UsePONumberManagement set to True, Under AR > Home > AR Selected Customer, the user will now have the option to select a search by PO Number.
KB articles: AR Statement Letter, AR View AR Aging Report
4. Classic | AR | New Invoice | Bank Account Selection
Improvement: Avionte Classic has added the ability to configure the Bank Account for a new AR invoice.
Why? Prior to this improvement the system would determine a default Bank Account which may not be the intended Bank Account for that Invoice.
How does this impact you? Under AR > Home > New AR Invoice a new field, Bank, now displays and defaults to the bank based on the setting in Config Option - DefaultPaymentBankID and allows the user to select from the available Banks.
KB articles: AR Create New Invoice, Config Option - DefaultPaymentBankID
5. Classic | Invoices | Ability to modify the email template sent when emailing our invoices from Classic
Improvement: Avionte Classic's Email Template has been improved to allow the user to add and customize an Invoice Email Template
Why? Prior to this improvement a ticket would need to be submitted to request a custom message to be used when emailing invoices.
How does this impact you?
- Billing > Post Batch > 'Yes' to email
- Billing > Actions > EmailInvoice
- Billing > Actions > UnsentInvoice
- Invoice > Actions > EmailInvoice
- Billing > SaveInvoice > EmailInvoice(s)
- Invoice > SaveInvoice > EmailInvoice(s)
KB article: Email - Template - 16.1 and Newer
6. Classic | Update Supplier site setup for Transaction Types
Improvement: Avionte Classic has improved the Supplier site setup for Transaction Types.
Why? Prior to this improvement, when a branch is saved, it runs a procedure CompleteStaffingSupplierSiteSetup where the system would default transaction types of Reg, OT, DT, Vacation, Salary, Holiday and Bonus even if the transaction type was not configured for that branch under Admin Tools > Transaction Type > Detail > Shared By.
How does this impact you?
7. Compliance | T4 | XML Updates for CPP2 [Effective 1/1/2024]
Improvement: Avionte Classic has added logic to apply the second ceiling CPP values to the T4/T4 Summary XML files.
Why? Prior to this improvement the second ceiling CPP values did not reflect on the 2024 T4 and T4 Summary XML files.
How does this impact you?
- T4 XML <cppe_cntrb_amt></cppe_cntrb_amt>
- T4 SUMMARY XML - Employee CPP2 - <tot_empe_cppe_amt></tot_empe_cppe_amt>
- T4 SUMMARY XML - Employer CPP2 - <tot_empr_cppe_amt></tot_empr_cppe_amt>
8. Doc Migration | Modify Classic to Use API to Fetch Documents
Improvement: Avionte Classic has been improved by using API's to fetch Documents.
Why? Infrastructure item to support the improvement to Classic SQL Document Migration.
9. E-Verify | Have E-verify limited on Branch Access [CLASSIC]
Improvement: Avionte Classic E-Verify has been updated to limit the available Employers in the E-Verify Employer field to only reflect the branches that the user has access to in Admin Tools > Branch Settings.
Why? Prior to this enhancement, the E-Verify Employer field would display all branches, including branches the User was not configured to have access to.
How does this impact you? The Users Branch Settings will determine which Employers are available under Action > E-Verify.
10. Compliance | Georgia Withholding | Filing statuses updates [effective 1/1/2024]
Filing status with options of:
- Single
- Married Filing Separately or Married Filing Jointly both spouses working [NEW combined filing status]
- Married Filing Jointly one spouse working
- Head of Household
🚀 What's New
Release Date: 01/04/2024
1. CPP second ceiling requirements for Jan 2024 [Effective 1/1/2024]
- CPP Enhancement Overview
- Calculating CPP Contributions
- In 2024, employee's pensionable earnings between $68,500 and $73,200 are subject to CPP2 contributions at 4% [Employers are responsible for the 4% match].
- Payroll > Checks > Tax Info will display CPP and CPP2 values separately. [Pay History > Check > Tax Info]
- The pay statement will continue to reflect CPP contributions as a singular statutory deduction but will reflect the values of CPP and/or CPP2 [if both are present it will be combined and reflected as one contribution.
KB article: Canada Pension Plan Enhancement
2. Invoices | Billing | Disable the ability to email invoices in Save Invoices prior to posting batch
Improvement: Avionte Classic has updated the logic around Emailing Invoices to not have the ability to email an unposted invoice under the Save Invoice Screen.
Why? Before this improvement, if an invoice had not been posted and the Invoice Number had not been permanently set; the invoice could still be reprocessed, resulting in a different invoice number and/or amount. This could cause confusion when payments are made if the wrong copy of the invoice is used. Users should not be able to act on an invoice from an unposted billing batch.
How does this impact you? The user will be notified that the action [Email Invoice] cannot be made on an unposted invoice.
3. Transaction Type | Logic for Canadian Non-cash / Non-insurable Taxable Benefits and Allowances
Improvement: Avionte has introduced the logic to handle a Canadian non-cash, non-insurable taxable benefit transaction type to accommodate an Employer Contribution that is non-insurable.
Why? Currently it is required to configure two transaction types to accommodate the taxable benefit. This improvement will allow a singular transaction type configuration in 2024.
How does this impact you? An employer contribution can be configured.
- To have this Employer Contribution be a non-cash, non-insurable taxable benefit, Transaction Type Option of Is Non-Cash Benefit would need to be checked. This configuration will:
- Federal Withholding Taxable Gross for tax calculation purposes.
- CPP Taxable Gross for tax calculation purposes.
- Where applicable the Employer Health taxable gross for calculation purposes.
- Where applicable the Workers Compensation accessible earnings [WC Wage seen on Time Entry > Card View] [Excluding British Columbia and Newfoundland].
- Add the Employer Contribution taxable benefit amount to:
- To have the Employer Contribution-Taxable Benefit display on the employee pay statement, Transaction Type Option of Show ER Contribution on Paycheck would need to be checked.
- To have this Employer Contribution-Taxable Benefit to pass to Box 14 and Box 40 on the T4, the user will need to configure 40 in the W2Box field.
- The user will have the ability to configure this Employer Contribution - Taxable Benefit like any other Contribution under Employee > Payroll > Contribution.
KB article: Canadian Non-cash / Non-insurable Taxable Benefits and Allowances - Admin Tools
4. Sick Leave | Illinois Paid Leave and Cook Illinois updates to existing
Improvement: Avionte Classic's has updated the Illinois and Cook sick leave plans effective 01/01/2024.
Why? With the introduction of the Chicago Paid Leave Plan, the Illinois and Cook sick leave plans have been updated to take into consideration to include the Chicago Paid Leave Plan for available active plans.
How does this impact you?
- llinois sick leave with logic where IL_Paid_Leave cannot be activated if either Sick Leave Chicago IL, Paid Leave Chicago, or Sick Leave Cook IL are active.
- Sick Leave for Cook IL cannot be activated if either IL Paid Leave or Sick Leave Chicago IL or Paid Leave Chicago are active.
KB article: Sick Leave (Accrual) Overview
🚀 What's New
Release Date: 01/02/2024
1. Update Greenshades Locality Mapping [Effective 1/1/2024]
2. Sick Leave | California Updates to Existing [Effective 1/1/2024]
Improvement: Avionte Classic's has updated the California sick leave plan effective 01/01/2024.
Why? The California sick leave plan has changed their Max Hours, Yearly Limit, Allowed Carry Over and Max Accrual Balance.
How does this impact you? The configuration of the California sick leave plan will reflect the following in 2024:
New or Update existing? = Update Existing
- Accrual Plan = Sick Leave_CA
- City/County = NA
- State = CA
- Effective Date = 1/1/2024
- Hours to accrue 1 hour = 30
- Gap Days = 365
- Days Before Use = 90
- Max Hours Use in 1 year = 40
- Pay Period Limit = 0 [0=Unlimited]
- Yearly limit = 0 [0=Unlimited]
- Allowed Carry Over Hours = 80 [1=Unlimited]
- DateBasedOn = Anniversary
- MaxAccrualBalance = 80 [0=Unlimited]
- Initial Balance = 0
- UnlimitedCarryOver = 0 [1=Unlimited, 0=Not unlimited and will look at AllowedCarryOver value]
- Add to Automatically Insert = Yes
KB article: Sick Leave (Accrual) Overview
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